Wait a second...
stdClass Object
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            [paticka_budova_a_nadpis] => BUILDING A
            [paticka_budova_a_popis] => Rector, 
Department of Communications, 
Department of Education, 
FCT Dean’s Office, 
Centre for Information Services

            [paticka_budova_b_nadpis] => BUILDING B
            [paticka_budova_b_popis] => Department of R&D, Dean’s Offices:
Computer Centre, 
Department of International Relations, 
            [paticka_budova_c_nadpis] => BUILDING C
            [paticka_budova_c_popis] => Crèche Zkumavka, 
General Practitioner, 
Department of Economics and Management, 
Department of Mathematics
            [paticka_budova_1_nadpis] => NATIONAL LIBRARY OF TECHNOLOGY
            [paticka_budova_1_popis] =>  
            [paticka_budova_2_nadpis] => CAFÉ CARBON
            [paticka_budova_2_popis] =>  
            [paticka_adresa] => UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre. [paticka_odkaz_mail] => mailto:edita.ryslava@vscht.cz [zobraz_desktop_verzi] => switch to desktop version [drobecky] => [zobraz_mobilni_verzi] => [social_in_odkaz] => [social_fb_title] => Food Hub Facebook page [nepodporovany_prohlizec] => [hledani_nadpis] => hledání [hledani_nenalezeno] => Nenalezeno... [hledani_vyhledat_google] => vyhledat pomocí Google [den_kratky_2] => [novinky_kategorie_1] => [novinky_kategorie_2] => [novinky_kategorie_3] => [novinky_kategorie_4] => [novinky_kategorie_5] => [novinky_archiv_url] => [novinky_servis_archiv_rok] => [novinky_servis_nadpis] => [novinky_dalsi] => [archiv_novinek] => [den_kratky_1] => [novinka_datum_konani] => Datum konani: [social_in_title] => [social_yt_title] => [social_li_odkaz] => https://www.linkedin.com/company/20565585/admin/ [social_li_title] => Food Hub LinkedIn profile [more_info] => ) [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [43993] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [43995] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 43995 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [62939] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 62939 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /[en]/62939 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => api_html [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [43994] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 43994 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /[menu-top] [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => api_html [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 43993 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [43998] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [77969] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => FoodEducators [seo_title] => FoodEducators [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

FoodEducators je program EIT Food*, který učitelům nabízí zábavné, kreativní a zajímavé materiály a aktivity pro mladé lidi, především školáky. 

Snadno dostupné, vědecky podložené výukové plány a materiály, zaměřené na oblast zemědělství a potravin, obohacují vzdělávání studentů a pomáhají jim stát se lépe informovanými a uvědomělými spotřebiteli budoucnosti. Program je zastoupen více než 10 národními HUBy po celé Evropě a nabízí ke stažení výukové plány na webových stránkách foodeducators.eu v národních jazycích. Tyto plány se věnují následujícím tématům: Potraviny a zdraví, Potraviny a udržitelnost, Věda o potravinách a potravinový systém, Práce a kariéra v zemědělství a potravinářství. 

Hlavními vzdělávacími cíli a výstupy programu jsou zlepšení systémového a podnikatelského myšlení, podpora udržitelného životního stylu a zdravých stravovacích návyků. 

Více informací o programu a materiály ke stažení najdete na https://www.foodeducators.eu/cz/

V České republice je program FoodEducators zastoupen Ústavem analýzy potravin a výživy, VŠCHT Praha. 

Připojte se ke stovkám pedagogů a lektorů, kteří používají naše materiály ve svých třídách, klubech a na akcích! 

* EIT Food je největší a nejdynamičtější komunita inovací v zemědělsko-potravinářské oblasti na světě, kterou podporuje Evropský inovační a technologický institut (EIT), orgán Evropské unie.

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 77969 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /food-educators [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [43999] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => Homepage [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 43999 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /home [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [62948] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Projects [seo_title] => Projects [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 62948 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /projects [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [74738] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Activities 2024 [seo_title] => Activities 2024 [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 74738 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /activities-2024 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [68241] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Activities 2023 [seo_title] => Activities 2023 [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 68241 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /activities-2023 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [62943] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Activities 2022 [seo_title] => Activities 2022 [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 62943 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /activities-2022 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59858] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Activities 2021 [seo_title] => Activities 2021 [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 59858 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /activities-2021 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59857] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Activities 2020 [seo_title] => Activities 2020 [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 59857 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /activities-2020 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [56732] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Activities [seo_title] => Activities [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 56732 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /activities-2019 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59859] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Activities 2018 [seo_title] => Activities 2018 [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 59859 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /activities-2018 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [48788] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Sign-up for updates [seo_title] => Sign-up for updates [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Sign-up for updates / Přihlášení k odběrů informací

By sending this form I indicate that I would like to receive updates about EIT Food acitvities / Odesláním formuláře prohlašuji, že mám zájem o zasílání informací o aktivitách EIT Food

We will use the indicated contact details to send you regular updates about EIT Food activities. / Na zadané kontaktní údaje budeme pravidelně posílat informace o aktivitách pořádaných v  EIT Food.

If you no longer wish to receive the updates, please send us an email to eitfoodhub@vscht.cz. / V případě, že nebudete chtít dále dostávat informace o aktivitách EIT Food, zašlete nám e-mail na eitfoodhub@vscht.cz.

More information / Další informace


Subscribe form

All fields are mandatory  / Všechny položky jsou povinné

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 48788 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /updates [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [55275] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Eitfoodhub events [seo_title] => Eitfoodhub events [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [obrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 55275 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /events [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 43998 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => dokumenty [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => web [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) [api_suffix] => )


stdClass Object
    [nazev] => CzechFoodChem 2023
    [seo_title] => CzechFoodChem 2023
    [seo_desc] => 
    [autor] => 
    [autor_email] => 
    [perex] => 

 ◳ IMG-0687 (jpg) → (šířka 215px)


CzechFoodChem 2023 - a symposium on new trends in food production, chemistry and analysis is traditional annual meeting of experts in food, agricultural and related fields, both from manufacturing practice and research, inspection and educational institutions and authorities.

The scientific program is focused on new trends in food production, chemistry and analysis of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, additives, contaminants, sensory and physiologically active compounds, and other constituents of food and food raw materials. The presentations of hot news from companies and institutions, whose activities are closely connected with the food industry, inspection authorities and research, are also welcomed.

This year, the program will include a series of invited lectures named „Modern food technologies – from high-quality raw materials to "smart" foods"


Date and the location of the event:         22. - 24. May 2022

Language of the event:  Czech, Slovak, English

Link to registration:   HERE

Link to the website:  http://www.czechfoodchem.cz/index.html


 ◳ EIT Food + EU Logo CMYK Landscape (jpg) → (šířka 215px)

EIT Food Hub will contribute to the conference program with the session on Current trends in food production – from high-quality raw materials to "smart foods"


  • Smart Food: a concept based on interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists and producers (case studies)

o   Jana Hajšlová, UCT Prague

  • Food on our table - do we really know what we eat?

o   Stanislav Baxa, Food Research Institute NPPC, Biocentrum Modra

  • Production and processing of meat in the 3rd decade of the 21st century: concerns or optimism?

o   Josef Kameník, VETUNI Brno

  •  Current trends in the dairy industry

o   Šárka Horáčková, UCT Prague

  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology for Food (EIT Food) – innovation initiative for healthy and sustainable food system

o   Jana Hajšlová, UCT Prague

Date:   22nd May 2023

Time:    2 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.

More details on the program you can find HERE

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] => [submenuno] => [urlnadstranka] => [newurl_domain] => 'eitfoodhub.vscht.cz' [newurl_jazyk] => 'en' [newurl_akce] => '/activities-2023/czechfoodchem2023' [newurl_iduzel] => [newurl_path] => 8549/43991/43992/43998/68241/71644 [newurl_path_link] => Odkaz na newurlCMS [iduzel] => 71644 [platne_od] => 09.05.2023 16:21:00 [zmeneno_cas] => 09.05.2023 16:26:21.71386 [zmeneno_uzivatel_jmeno] => Edita Ryšlavá [canonical_url] => [idvazba] => 87364 [cms_time] => 1722061152 [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [slovnik] => Array ( ) [poduzel] => Array ( ) [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) [api_suffix] => )

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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