Training on analytical approaches for food safety, authenticity and quality assessment
Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition, UCT Prague, organizes on 11-13 Septemer 2019 event finnacially supported by EIT Food entitled „Training on analytical approaches for food safety, authenticity and quality assessment“.
Aim of the event is to provide an opportunity to PhD students of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague to be trained in advanced analytical strategies applied for food safety, authenticity and quality assessment. Various case studies will be presented, including analytical methods development, data evaluation, QA/QC, … Participants will have an opportunity to meet up with the experts and learn more from other young colleagues in order to network and discuss on their current and future research activities. They will also be informed about activities of EIT Food aimed at supporting students and entrepreneurial talents.
- To register for participation in this event, please contact Martina Vlckova (martina.vlckova@vscht.cz )
- Agenda