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CzechFoodChem 2022

 ◳ CzechFoodChem obr (gif) → (šířka 215px)


CzechFoodChem 2022 - a symposium on new trends in food production, chemistry and analysis is traditional annual meeting of experts in food, agricultural and related fields, both from manufacturing practice and research, inspection and educational institutions and authorities.


The scientific program is focused on new trends in food production, chemistry and analysis of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, additives, contaminants, sensory and physiologically active compounds, and other constituents of food and food raw materials. The presentations of hot news from companies and institutions, whose activities are closely connected with the food industry, inspection authorities and research, are also welcomed. This year, the program will include a series of invited lectures named „Present and future of food production and analysis" with the subtitle „Sustainable food production of high-quality".

Date and the location of the event:         23. - 25. May 2022

Language of the event:  Czech, Slovak, English

Link to registration:   HERE

Link to the website:  http://www.czechfoodchem.cz/index.html


 ◳ EIT Food + EU Logo CMYK Portrait (jpg) → (šířka 215px)


EIT Food Hub will contribute to the conference program with the session on “Research in support sustainability and circularity in food production”


24th May 2022


8:30 – 11:00  a.m.





Purines and their metabolites in edible insects

  • prof. Lenka Kouřimská, Czech University of Life Sciencies, Prague
  • co-authors: Sabolová M., Kulma M., Škvorová P., Veselá K., Kurečka M

Study of the quality of frozen vegetables: changes in biologically active substances during processing and long-term storage

  • doc. Ing. Věra Schulzová, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • co-authors: Kharoshka A., Krmela A., Schreibmeierová M., Hajšlová J.

The potential of mild processing technologies

  • Ing. Beverly Hradecká, Ph.D., University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • co-authors: Pírová H., Kouřimský T., Kharoshka A., Filatová M., Hajšlová J.

European Institute of Innovation and Technology for Food (EIT Food) – innovation initiative for healthy and sustainable food system

  •  Edita Ryšlavá, EIT Food Hub Czech Republic, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

Influence of culinary adjustments on vitamin D2 content in mushrooms treated with UV radiation

  • Ing. Lucie Drábová, Ph.D. , University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • co-authors: Libenská L., Zedníková M., Vondrášková V., Hajšlová J., Pulkrabová J

Influence of preservation technology and storage on vitamin content in almond drink

  • Ing. Lenka Libenská, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • co-authors: Zedníková M., Drábová L., Vondrášková V., Hradecká B., Chytilová L., Pulkrabová J., Tomaniová M., Hajšlová J

Screening and quantification of pesticide residues in apple cider

  • Ing. Martin Dušek, Ph.D., Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, Prague
  • co-authors: Zuštáková V., Olšovská J.
Updated: 12.5.2022 14:29, Author: Edita Ryšlavá

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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