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UCT PragueEIT Food → Activities 2022 → Useful tips for career success and goals achievement
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Useful tips for career success and goals achievement

Series of workshops


European Institute of Innovation and Technology for Food (EIT Food) and University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague have prepared a series of workshops to support students in Czechia and Europe.

 ◳ EIT Food + EU Logo CMYK Portrait (jpg) → (šířka 215px)
 ◳ logoVSCHT_stred (png) → (šířka 215px)


10 October 2022


Leadership – How to you keep yourself and your team from burning out

Lecturers: Ing. Lenka Kadeřábková a Ing. Tomáš Petrek

Length:  3 hours

Form:  on-site workshop

Venue:  UCT Prague, Technická 5, Prague


Thematic areas:

·      Identification of own strengths and weaknesses, analysis of strengths and weaknesses of team members

·       Setting and communication of vision and strategic goals to the team

·       Effective delegation of tasks and project management

·       Team motivation, external and internal factors, gamification

·       Self-motivation tips

·       How to solve the most common problems that a leader may encounter at work?



12 October 2022


Key skills for the digital age

Lecturers: Ing. Lenka Kadeřábková a Ing. Tomáš Petrek

Length:  3 hours

Form:  on-site workshop

Venue:  UCT Prague, Technická 5, Prague


Thematic areas:

·       Problem solving - how to solve problems in a team, project or situation using creative thinking and an innovative approach

·       Creativity - how to use creative thinking even for seemingly routine tasks

·       Self-management - how to effectively organize your work and personal life in constantly changing conditions

·       Critical thinking and its practical use at work



17 October 2022


Career strategy

Lecturers: Ing. Lenka Kadeřábková a Ing. Tomáš Petrek

Length:  3 hours

Form:  on-site workshop

Venue:  UCT Prague, Technická 5, Prague


Thematic areas:

·       Practical tools for analysing weaknesses and strengths

·       How to continuously work on the development of key skills

·       How to gather career experience during your studies

·       How to properly write a resume, cover letter

·       How to successfully handle an interview



19 October 2022


How to get along with people who think differently

Lecturer: Dr. Ing. Markéta Raková

Length:  2 hours

Form:  on-site workshop

Venue:  UCT Prague, Technická 5, Prague



Thematic areas:

·       Overview of different communication styles, why to deal with this topic and how to leverage different communication styles in practice

·       Discover the participant´s own communication style, what do they like and what bothers them

·       How to spot the person´s dominant communication style and adapt your approach accordingly - tips for effective negotiation  

·       Communication barriers and how to tackle them

·       Understand the communication preferences in multigenerational world, how to improve and adjust your communication across generations

24 October 2022


Together, even though we are all different I - Teamwork

Lecturer: Monika Kukoľ Sochorová, BBA, MBA

Length:  2 hours

Form:  on-site workshop

Venue:  UCT Prague, Technická 5, Prague


Thematic areas:

·       How does teamwork help in a project

·       Social identity threads and how to respond to them  

·       How to manage own and team emotions

·       Coaching questions for powerful and effective teams

·       How to handle disagreement and conflict in a team



26 October 2022


Together, even though we are all different II – Communication and listening

Lecturer: Monika Kukoľ Sochorová, BBA, MBA

Length:  2 hours

Form:  on-site workshop

Venue:  UCT Prague, Technická 5, Prague


Thematic areas:

·       What filters do we see the world through, how filters and perceptions influence our thinking and how to work with them

·       Principles behind good listening - understanding, art of great questions

·       Principles of effective coaching and how to ask questions differently


Language: Czech

Registration Link:  https://pkc.vscht.cz/akademie/aktualni-kurzy 



 ◳ Kompas_logo-modre-RGB (png) → (šířka 215px)Workshopy jsou realizovány za finanční podpory projektu č. LTI20005 s názvem „Kancelář podpory mezinárodních projektů a podpora integrace zahraničních výzkumníků v ČR, rozšířená o informační platformu pro podporu inovací v oblasti potravin “, jehož je nositelem Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze.

Updated: 4.10.2022 16:46, Author: Edita Ryšlavá

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